Bruno Sous 2021 Green Party Candidate - 25 Signatures Remaining

Hello friends,

Another great day today. We started in Oakville North at Memorial Gardens, checked in with Elections Canada in Burlington and then continued to canvas for signatures around the Valleyridge Park area in Palermo West.

We are almost at the finish line for the candidacy process. We are now over 100 Signatures but will continue to ensure we have over 100 qualified signatures. We would like to collect another 25 signatures before the clock runs out in 14 hours.

If you live in the district of Oakville North – Burlington and believe the upcoming election should have a green candidate option, I need your signature. Please fill out the Elections Canada Form or reach out to me by phone, email or social media to arrange an in-person signing. I would love to connect and listen to any concerns you may have.

It may feel impossible but it’s not. 

Together we can do this.


Download Form from Elections Canada


©2025 Bruno Sousa


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